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Show News

2018 Show

All Welcome!

Our show is a four ring show with Ring 4 being a "specialist" ring - FIRST 3 RINGS are for all breeds and all colours including domestic and companion cats/kittens the 4th RING is our SPECIALIST RING which only allows for patched, pointed and broken coloured cats to be entered in (in other words not solid colours in Ring 4)


When:     Saturday 1st September

Where:    Katikati Memorial Hall, Katikati

Opens:    10.30am - 3.30pm

Admission: Adults $4.00  Children over 5 yrs $1


Love to See you there..


Click on this image for 2018 Show Schedule and Entry Forms

Our Judges

 Ring 1
Daniel Counasse (WCF Sweden)


Job: chief of own firm managing with the control of buildings security

Nationality: Belgium

Cat world

  • I am lucky to be invited and to have the possibility to judge in different associations: WCF, CFA, LOOF (France), GCCF and Independent Clubs. And now, I will have the opportunity to realize one of my dreams: coming in New-Zealand and Australia and all that in relation with my hobby.

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Judges Profile - Ring 2

Jo Millar (NZCF Senior All Breeds NZCF Christchurch)


I first began showing with the New Zealand Cat Fancy a Seal Tortie Point Siamese in 1978. In 1985 I began breeding Siamese and Orientals under the Ramaltal Prefix and Burmese in 1989.


For the past 23 years I have been breeding British Shorthairs and Scottish Folds under the successful prefix of Intrigue. I have actively promoted the delightful Scottish Fold throughout NZ and was fortunate enough to breed New Zealand’s first Gold Double Grand Champion Scottish Fold, “Gld Dbl Gr Ch Intrigue Immortal Memory”. In 2008 I was fortunate

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enough to have bred and exhibited New Zealands Best other Shorthair Entire Cat, a British Blue male, Gld Dbl Gr Ch Intrigue Sir Larfalot. I am also owned by a Brown Tabby Van Persian Neuter, who has taken top honours in the Longhair Desexed section of the New Zealand Cat Fancy Awards in 2012 and 2013.


I am now actively breeding the beautiful and regal Russian Blue after losing both of my parents, under their Prefix of Kirov.

I have an extremely busy life working full time. My spare time is dedicated to my cats, my Bull Mastiff dog, my horse and in my spare time getting out and about on my VW Trike.


I have been on the Judges panel since 1989 and am an All Breeds Judge for the NZ Cat Fancy Inc. and have consistently accepted appointments Nationally as well as completing assignments in NSW, Queensland, Canberra, Victoria, Adelaide, Perth, Tasmania and more recently, Penang, Malaysia.  Judges need to be flexible and able to adapt to different standards and processes. I believe it is important to produce a professional result, which contributes to the shows success and enjoyment by exhibitors and spectators. Shows should be fun: entertaining, educational and interesting. I thrive on the

professional challenge of judging the wide variety of cats on the show bench and it is a privilege to judge and enjoy the beautiful cats entrusted to me on show day.


My aim when judging is to give an honest educated appraisal, and to be fair and consistent with all exhibits, and above all else to enjoy myself. 

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Ring 3 - Longhair Pedigree

Sharon Jose (Senior Longhair Judge Te Aroha NZCF)


I first got involved with pedigree cats & showing in 1979, after Mum had purchased a mismarked Birman, and helped with his show career, he was to become the first of many that followed.

Getting her prefix in 1975, I helped out a little in the earlier years of the breeding until I left home, but had got taste of having this magnetic cat around me.After getting married & having a family of my own, and, of course, always having a Birman in the house, I started once again getting involved in going along to shows with the folks & was once again

bitten by that showing & breeding bug, what is it that makes it seem like you never quite have enough!!

They asked me to join the prefix in 2001 which of course I jumped at, it was shortly after this, while watching the judging at the Sacred Temple Show that I decided that this was something I would like to have a go at.

I entered the NZCF Judges School to train as a Longhair Judge, qualifing in 2006, and have been enjoying judging ever since.

I am involved with two NZCF clubs, Geyserland Cat Club and the Birman Cat Club. I am currently treasurer for Geyserland, and have been show secretary for the past two year for Birman. I have been the Birman treasurer in the past also.

I get a lot of enjoyment judging the longhairs, and feel that I have never stopped learning about the different breeds that I do judge, every show is different, the cats are wonderful, and I always enjoy meeting the people, both in the hosting club and exhibitors along the way.

I do however certainly believe, that the cat you take home at the end of the day, is always the best cat in the show for you!!!

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Ring 3 - Shorthair Pedigree, all Domestics & Companions

Fred Haslemore (Senior Shorthair Judge Kawerau NZCF) 


As a young person, I have always had cats around. In 1972 I purchase my first pedigree Cat (a Siamese) and started breeding and showing under my Prefix, Jailing. I started my breeding programme with Siamese then progressed to the Burmese, British shorthairs and Abyssinians. I have been owned by a Japanese bobtail and at present a Selkirk Rex and a Household pet, who has very much a mind of her own. Apart from Breeding and showing cats I was involved in the NZ Kennel Club and bred Griffon Bruxellios Dogs for a number of years.

I have Bred and shown cats to the title of Gold Double Grand Champion.

Being involved with cats has been an enjoyable passion. I was, for many years, President, Secretary or Delegate of The Southland Cat Fanciers Club and became a Life Member in 2007. I am currently a member of The Geyserland Cat Club based the Bay of Plenty. I joined The Geyserland Cat Club in 2016.


I have been Judging cats for 26 years now and am qualified as a Pedigree Shorthair Judge. I have Judged in New Zealand numerous times and have often judged in Australia. My enjoyment of judging has enabled me to come in contact with numerous shorthair breeds and has also enabled me to meet lots of interesting people on this journey. 


I am now retired from the workforce and two years ago moved to the Bay of Plenty to live. Being retired has enabled me to​travel more often. I have been part of the NZ Cat Fancy for 45 years now, and during that time served a one year term on the NZ Cat Fancy Executive Council.


Ring 4

Michelle Magrath (Senior All Breeds Judge Taranaki NZCF)


Michelle Magrath (All Breeds Judge Taranaki NZCF) From an early age I loved cats, my mother bred Persians; I bred and showed Siamese and Oriental cats from 2001 on. I have also bred and shown the delightful Bengal. I admire the feline species in general; judging allows me the opportunity to handle and appreciate a stunning variety of breeds, and associate with fellow enthusiasts. I have judged horses of various breeds including the miniature horse, highlights include judging at the Royal A & A show and at the Horse of the year show.  I started judging Shorthair division in 2007, achieving All Breeds status 2018. 

Patches and Pointed Club Show – is the showcase for “patched and pointed” cats at their very best, I’m thrilled to be judging this year for the club. All cats are beautiful, none more so than the one that you take home!

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