'picture purrfect'
2020 Virtual Cat Show Awards and Judges Special Awards and Video messages
SUPREME RING (minimum to qualify must have been placed at least once Best in Show +points awarded in each ring)
SH CATS - 1ST 155 (1/1/2/0) 122 (14/10/1/0) 133 (1/0/0/0)
LH CATS - 1ST 339 (3/11/1/0) 323 (1/2/0/0) 364 (1/3/0/0) 313 (1/7/0/0)
SH KITTENS - 1ST 201 (6/1/4/2) 229 (1/18/2/11) 204 (5/1/0/0) 211 (16/1/0/0)
LH KITTENS - 1ST 451(1/10/13/0) 423 (6/1/0/0) 421 (1/7/0/0) 447 (1/16/18/0)
DOM/COMP - 1ST 517 (8/9/12/1) 514 (6/1/8/0) 527 3/1/0/0) 528 (7/1/20/0)
TINY TOTS 1ST 630 (1/13/1/2) 609 (5/1/8/15) 629 (5/1/12/0)
201 Cairocats Odin Rising (Imp Aus) (T & T Blythen)
339 Flurmonz Jantana (J Formby)
517 Matilda (E Karst)
630 Curliwinks Princess Arya (D Hobson)
201 Cairocats Odin Rising (Imp Aus) (T & T Blythen)
Best Shorthair Pedigree Cat
1st 153 Zarzuela Kanye (Fiona Taylor) $30
2nd 155 Pr Kirov Cosmonaut (Paul Henry & T Finlayson) $15
3rd 112 Ambridge Walk on the Wild Side (Jan Leeds) $10
4th = 160 Sailavie Kaiser’s Scampi = 102 Ankober Xala
5th 127 Soxndots Mocha Choca Dream
6th 122 Cairistona Dolce Arabella
7th 162 Slique Lily the Pink
8th = 154 Slique Dance Tae Yer Daddy | 109 Spotcombengal Sweet Georga Brown
9th 144 Papcats Arya de Pasdezhat
10th 140 Kyapark Sashaying on The Beach
11th 170 Korucats Evening Angel
12th = 101 Ankober Ice Crystal | 158 Foldabrit Smoke 'N' Pipes
13th 117 Recherche Mathilda
14th 108 Spotcombengal Mr Bo Jangles
15th 133 Boindebeel Poppy
16th 156 Brackenburn Midnight Lassie
17th 114 Papcats Arya de Pasdezhat
18th 164 Vanillanut Emmaline
19th= 120 Millrock Vintage Denim | 135 Loriendale Gandalf de Hazelwood
20th= 149 Aurogold bootsie collins | 159 Purrafunalia Le Roux
Best Shorthair Pedigree Kitten
1st 201 Cairocats Odin Rising (Imp Aus) (T & T Blythen) $30
2nd 207 Lundenwic El Zorro Da Silva (Rosemary Stocker) $15
3rd 229 Boindebeel Daqury (Victoria Skinner) $10
4th 209 Sabokah
5th 243 Pernpet Pasdezhat with Pizzazz
6th 202 Spotcombengal Mr Bo Jangles
7th 204 Ambridge Walk On the Wild Side
8th 225 Pasdezhat Positively Pointless
9th 233 Odakim Nifty Shades Of Grey
10th 219 Sunset Eliza
11th 218 Cherjon Miss Lucy
12th 211 Glitterpaws Arabella
13th 239 Templeton Samael
14th 203 Spoitcombengal Sweet Georga Brown
15th 228 Myle Total Eclipse of the Heart
16th 249 Korucats golden king
17th 220 Boindebeel Lighting
18th = 210 Sabokah | 223 CurliWinks Louis de Pointe
224 Loriendale Junipur de Hillgrove
19th = 216 Soxndots I’am Just Baylee Boo | 242 Slique Summertime Blues
20th = 226 Boindebeel Mimosa | 231 Odakim Cadu Dipped In Blue
Best Longhair Pedigree Cat
1st 365 Vonimp Yes mmm Yes (A Turjak) $30
2nd 324 Paddington Joe Cool (L Fenn) $15
3rd 339 Flurmonz Jantana (J Formby) $10
4th 376 Shemiaka Olena
5th = 347 Jaymlynkatz Rigoletto | 323 Paddington Penelope Pitstop
6th 364 Dandari Mickey Finn
7th 354 Magicbox Chantilly Lace
8th 313 Florencia Popsicle Toes
9th 346 Flurmonz Winchester
10th = 326 Paddington Weekend at Bernies | 378 Vonimp Zahmet
11th 352 Taniver Puttin on the Ritz
12th 331 Sap Dbl GrbPr Flurmonz Y Saint Laurent
13th 360 Pepperbox Peaches & Cream
14th 312 Birpur Cute As | 316 Belzicatz Rocky Road
15th = 351 Whitestar Sunshine Kisses | 371 Kindykats Caspar aka Tigger
16th 341 Flurmonz Gudrun
17th 340 Flurmonz Tamara
18th 329 Flurmonz La Unoborn
19th 375 Shemiaka Natusha
20th 302 Adorabella Impressionist
Best Longhair Pedigree Kitten
1st 464 CadiKedisi Lemiye Letafet (A Turjak) $30
2nd 451 Dixykatz Red Zeppelin (A Martin) $15
3rd 416 Paddington Downtown Brown (A Martin) $10
4th = 415 Paddington Lollipop Bling | 421 Magicbox Lord of the Dance
5th = 401 Burtopia Coco | 446 Taniver Take a chance on me
414 Paddington Hop On The Bus Gus
6th 443 Jaymlynkatz Mercury
7th 405 Birpur Melting Moments
8th = 408 Florencia Lord De Montague | 417 Paddington Penelope Pitstop
9th = 402 Burtopia Chloe | 447 Taniver Total Eclipse of the Heart
10th 450 Lauradella Rosie Too
11th 460 EnvyDolls Endless Possibilities
12th 439 RebelPawz Dakota PP
13th 404 Leegrgo Pennies from Heaven | 413 Taralmador Giftwrapped
14th 434 Flurmonz Henrikka | 452 Taniver Roomforme
15th 433 Flurmonz Darcyna | 461 Ranchdolls Wish Me Luck
16th 444 Jaymlynkatz Rigoletto | 407 Eldorato Lady Angelique (imp)
17th = 427 Flurmonz Frodiyan | 458 Kiwimagic Tales of Archie
403 Leegrgo Bluestone
18th 411 Tolaytus Careless Whisper (Lucy)
19th = 435 Flurmonz Itokkoj | 436 Flurmonz Dakktari
20th = 442 Guysndolls Nordic Goddess | 456 Adoradolls Believe n Miracles
Best Companion/Domestic Household Pet
1st 517 Matilda (E Karst) $30
2nd 540 GLD DBL GR PR Dom Picasso $15
3rd 514 Rustus (E King) $10
4th 512 Baby Luna
5th 534 Orphan
6th 527 Rainbow
7th 510 Akilla
8th= 515 Diesel the Foster Fail | 525 Ronald Weasley
9th 528 Patches
10th 530 Lily
11th 526 Harry Horse
12th 544 MILO
12th= 519 Miss Bella | 543 Rowland Gizmo
13th 529 Toffee
14th= 542 Jones | 511 Luna
15th 522 Zachariah
16th 502 BeeToo
17th 506 Stevie
18th= 535 Oddball 541 Smith | 509 Soxndots Princesse Lexi
19th 518 Foxie
20th 537 Pumpkin
Best Tiny Tot
1st 603 Boindebeel Guardian of the Seas (V Skinner) $30
2nd 630 Curliwinks Princess Arya (D Hobson) $15
3rd 609 Norbukate Pass the Pepper (S Brogden) $10
4th 625 Pasdezhat Pie in the Sky
5th 614 Recherche Lucy Lu
6th 611 Christos Bowties n Butterflies
7th 629 Curliwinks Alwynrose
8th 652 Manacoons Pumba
9th 642 Christos Miss Prizzie
10th 638 Ragroyalty Prince Bear
11th 670 Spotcombengal Chantilly Lace
12th 624 Pasdezhat Little Gift from Heaven
13th= 604 Adorabella Kalypson Queen | 633 Kittycourt Brandy Butter
14th 618 Lauradella Queen of Hearts
15th 622 PasdeZhat A Star is Born
16th= 655 Sinhiman Masquerade Illusion | 662 Lauradella Jacko
616 Glitterpaws J'Adore Paris
17th = 634 Kodiakcoons Jedha of Alderaan | 636 Kittycourt Atarangi
659 Cairistona Magnificent Marvolo | 619 Kirov Cosonaut
601 Boindebeel Icefall | 602 Mainelanders Moulificent Beauty
18th= 612 Sunset Eliza | 637 Ragroyalty Unforgettable Love
19th= 645 Flurmonz Iyriah | 658 Sinhiman Queen of the Valkyrie
20th = 639 Blue Stone | 665 Rosimorn Montague
Ring One - john Hansson
#114 Brightest(Not necessarily best) Eye Colour
#509 Most chilled pose - Companion/HHP
#652 Most chilled pose - Tiny Tots
#162 Most chilled pose - Shorthair Cats
#201 Most Chilled pose - Shorthair Kittens
#301 Most chilled Pose - Longhair Cats
#423 Most chilled pose - Longhair Kittens
#523 Most comfortable
#507 Most aloof
#451 Most appealing
#614 Most trusting
Ring Two - Jim Armel
#509 Modeling Award! After spending the winter working on my I’m to cute face I’ve come up with this crossed leg head tilt look!
#514 Goofy Face! Mom keeps telling me my face is going to get stuck like this if I keep doing it but I don’t believe her!
#379 Sexy Eyes! I have purrfected the sexy bedroom eyes look don’t you think?
#307 Take me Home! Look at my face, my big beautiful eyes, you know you want to take me home tonight!
#414 Ready to Rumbe! I’ve been working out the past few months and I’m looking forward to representing New Zealand in the Kitten Olympics and bring home the Wrestling Gold Medal!
Ring Two - Donna Armel
#638 Pause for paws - My paws are in motion because I am one happy kitty.
#165 Nosiest - Mum, I’m not doing anything. I just wanted to make sure you have what you needed in the fridge. Really!
# 202 Best climber - You never know what you are going to find when you’re climbing a tree, or a log.
# 625 Blue Eyes What do you mean Ole Blue Eyes is Frank Sinatra? I should be known as blue eyes, not him.
Ring three - Daniel Germishuys
#125 Hunter Award
#165 Chef 2020 Award
#246 Lapis Lazula Award
#321 Santa Award
#514 Gotcha Award
#535 McDreamy Award
Ring Four - Marisa Thistlewaite
#111 Bengal Best Photo Taken
#512 Companion Most Creative Photographer
#507 Colourpoint Companion The exhibit that was dreaming about when COVID19 is over and they can get out of the house
#527 Companion My favourite patched
# 405 Seal Tabby Point Birman My favourite pointed

201 Cairocats Odin Rising (Imp Aus) T & T Blythen