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Your cat and the Zodiac.... 

looking at your cat’s zodiac sign is a fun way to get a glimpse into why they perhaps act the way they do. Let’s take a look at the stars to see what kind of personality your kitty has based on their zodiac sign. 

Aries Cat (March 21 – April 20)
The Aires cat is brave, adventurous, and does not let obstacles get in the way of what they want. This includes the catnip that you THOUGHT you hid well in the kitchen cabinet. Aires cats are sometimes impulsive and may joyfully rip up a pair of your favorite slippers.

While their energy–fueled by warrior planet Mars–can be erratic and demanding, there are many joys that come with owning an Aires cat. They love exploring, and watching them romp about a kitty play tower will crack you up. Aires kitties are also incredibly smart and playful, and they love being the center of attention.

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Taurus Cat (April 21 – May 20)
You know your cat is a Taurus if their favorite sound is when you shake the food bag. Taurus cats enjoy the finer things in life and can be a bit gluttonous, so it is important to make sure Taurus kitties get plenty of exercise.

As an Earth sign, your Taurus cat may be rather stubborn. They like their routine and will be upset with you if you don’t change the litter box regularly. Even though these stubborn Taurus kitties may be hard to win over, once you do, they will be nothing but loyal to you and only you.

Gemini Cat (May 21 – June 20)
Gemini cats are chatty and charming creatures. As an air sign, they tend to flit about, winning the affections of whoever’s leg they rub against.

Geminis are known as the twins, and your Gemini kitty may display some duality, as well, in temperament. They can be joyful and manic and playful one minute and sullen and cranky in the next. Despite a sometimes hard-to-handle personality, the magnetism of Gemini cats makes them so hard to resist.

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Cancer Cat (June 21 – July 22)
Is your cat an emotional, loving creature? Do they live to please you? Chances are, you have a Cancer Cat. Cancer kitties are known for their nurturing and sensitive natures.

These felines love to take care of those they love in the form of licking your forehead and snuggling super close with you. If Cancer kitties are not feeling like their love for you is reciprocated, however, they may become reclusive and uncommunicative.

Leo Cat (July 23 – August 22)
The sign of Leo is represented by a lion, and Leo kitties definitely think that is exactly what they are. Larger than life, expressive, and a bit dramatic at points, Leo cats love to be the center of attention.

Leos are very extroverted and may literally step on you and any house guest’s toes, reminding you of their regal presence. Cats born under the Leo zodiac sign are very entertaining, so there is no doubt your Leo kitty is great at making you crack up by fighting their reflection in the mirror or hunting dust bunnies.

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Virgo Cat (August 23 – September 22)
A Virgo cat NEVER skips a day of grooming. They always keeps every grain of sand in the litter box. They are perfectionists. Virgo cats are hardworking and not big fans of laziness, which makes them excellent mousers.

However, given Virgo kitties’ perfectionism, they can sometimes be a little uptight and judgmental, like when you forget to change the litter box on time.

Libra Cat (September 23 – October 22)
Represented by the scales, Libra cats are all about balance in their lives. Libra kitties need their relationships to be balanced; if they are snuggling you often, they expect that love to be reciprocated!

Libra cats also blossom and are suited best to have another cat in the home with them. While your Libra kitty is fair (they don’t eat more than their share of food in a two cat house) and kind, they can also be indecisive. They may start projects and not finish them. Remember that half eaten catnip toy? They will get to that again later.

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Scorpio Cat (October 23 – November 22)
Scorpio cats are intense. They can be intense in good ways: Scorpio felines are fiercely loyal and thrive on deep, meaningful, forever types of relationships. They can also be intense in not so great ways, such as being possessive.

Chances are if your kitty is a Scorpio, they have had some territorial or guarding issues in the past if they don’t still have them now. They can also be a bit vengeful and may tear up your favorite sweater if you are out too long. Yes, some of these traits can be intimidating, but their deep desire for intimacy and love make them incredible companions.

Sagittarius Cat (November 23 – December 22)
Is your cat an inquisitive daydreamer who can stare out the window at seemingly nothing for hours? Sounds like a Sagittarius kitty. Sagittarius cats are known for having their heads in the clouds, dreaming of travel and expansion.

They aren’t afraid to speak their truth, even if their “truth” is them kneading your chest at three AM in the morning. Because of this, they can be a bit tactless and argumentative if you do not agree with them. Their overall positive and encouraging attitudes outweigh any possible negatives of having a Sag Cat.

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Capricorn Cat (December 23 – January 22)
Capricorn cats are nothing if not ambitious. This means when a Capri-cat has a goal in mind, such as finally catching that infuriating little red dot, they will not stop until they have accomplished the task. Capricorn kitties are super competitive, as well, which makes them playful and sometimes risk takers.

While their goal-oriented, holier-than-thou attitudes can be a bit overbearing at points, their ambition and love of all good is inspiring and a welcome presence to any kitty household.

Aquarius Cat (January 23 – Feb 18)
If your cat is a bit quirky and a tad rebellious, chances are your cat is an Aquarius. Aquarius kitties value their freedom and can be a bit aloof, making them prone to getting a bit lost. A microchip is always a good idea for an Aquarius cat.

Aquarius cats adore their friends, including you, and will do everything in their power to make sure you know it. Aquarius felines can be a bit self-destructive in their strive towards complete freedom, so be extra mindful of your cat’s roaming.

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Pisces Cat (February 19 – March 20)
Pisces cats are dreamy artists. They are also incredibly empathetic, which can make them excellent service animals to those with depression or anxiety. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, which is an incredibly intuitive planet known for enhancing psychic powers.

If your cat seems to know to run to the kitchen just before you THINK about feeding them, chances are good that they are a Pisces. Pisces kitties can also be a bit clingy–hello, separation anxiety–and can throw pity-parties when things don’t go their way.

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