Who are We
We are a small club that specializes in broken coloured cats of all breeds so aptly named "Patches & Pointed" we are an Affiliate Club of the New Zealand Cat Fancy Inc.
Patches was founded in 1999 by Chris Lowe & Brenda Ward who had a vision of setting up a specialized club specifically for patched and pointed cats (therefore it would be a specialist club based on colour - the first and still the only one of its type in NZCF.
In the early days, show were only for these cats, but as time went by, it was agreed to open up the shows so all cats could be shown at our show, but retaining a "special" supreme prize that Patched & Pointed cats only were eligible to enter. i.e. broken coloured cats and this has become a closely contested section
Our Team
Management Committee
Chris Lowe, Sue MacKay, , Kaye Dixon, Cheryl Brussow
Gaynor Saxon, Linda McManaway, (With the right to co-opt members)
Life Members
Lyn Jensen, Lee Waite (Wiffen), Dennis Humphreys, Brenda Ward
Meetings are conducted by teleconference or email communication.
Club Patron
Kaye Dixon