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2020 Virtual Cat Show

Patches & Pointed Inc are excited about the opportunity to bring to you our very first virtual show – taking on board the wisdom that TOSCA have shared with us we hope that entering will be a simple process as will the notifying of the results. We welcome entries from any interested parties and hope that this will be enjoyed by all cat lovers and will eventually lead to more people looking seriously at taking up or continuing with the showing of their beautiful cats.


Click on this link for our Schedule and Entry Form...


We have a fantastic line up of International All Breeds Judges from Texas USA, England, Australia & South Africa they are all happy to be involved with this virtual show and are looking forward to seeing all your fantastic cats.



John Hansson (International GCCF All Breeds Judge – London)
                                                     John is currently Chairman of GCCF This is his second term in office (Chairman 2008-                                                               2011) – GCCF system normally only allows for one term of three years in office but due to                                                       issues created by Covid 19, John has stayed in the role because they currently are                                                                   unable to hold Electoral meetings.

                                                    John has held a GCCF Prefix “Pannaduloa”since 1978, his main breeds being Siamese, Oriental & Cornish Rex. He bred the first GCCF Seal Tortie Point Siamese Grand Champion & Youngest ever Supreme Grand Champion, in 1986 at the age of just over 10 months, who also became the First UK GR PR Siamese Male Neuter 2 years later, Supreme Grand Champion & UK Grand Premier Pannaduloa Blazer.

John has the honour of being the first Male Official GCCF ALL Breeds Judge since the inauguration of Breed Advisory Committees, also Full Independent Judge abroad, he has judged for many organisations worldwide, these include Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, most of Europe. He has also guest judged for CFA & many other organisations including TICA. He is the former Chair of a number of BAC’s (Breed Advisory Committee’s) these include various different breeds including Birman, Siberian, Joint Rex Breed Advisory Committee (this covers Cornish/Devon Rex/, LaPerm & Selkirk Rex, also the Asian list (which include Burmilla & Bombays) and Singapura BAC’s. These positions were relinquished to avoid any conflict of interest, during my term as Chair of GCCF. I have extensive BAC experience in all capacities, Former member of the GCCF Disciplinary Committee for a number of years. I am also currently the event co-ordinator for the GCCF Supreme Show, I recently relinquished my position as a member of our Genetics Committee. I am presently President of the Rex Cat Club also Progressive Ragdoll Cat Club & RagaMuffin Cat Club, Vice President of the Red Point & Tortie Point Siamese Cat Club.

Currently I am also an Assessor Judge for a number of different breeds.
I bred amongst the first Oriental Silver Shaded & Smokes in the UK assisting the breeds to attain Championship status for all colours.

Now retired and I no longer breed cats. Though I own a Chocolate Smoke and White Cornish Rex who was Best Section 4 Kitten at our own GCCF Supreme Cat Show in 2018.
I also own a Borzoi & a rescue Saluki.

I am married and have twin daughters along with 4 Grand-children including twins. The eldest being 25 and the twins are the youngest at 13.
John H Hansson.

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Jim Armel International TICA All Breeds Judge – Texas USA
                                                        Hi, my name is Jim Armel and I’m a TICA Licensed Allbreed Cat Judge. I have been                                                                judging cats since 2012 when I was granted my license. I have traveled all over the                                                                  US, Canada and Mexico as well as Europe, Russia, Japan, China, New Zealand and                                                                  Australia to judge for multiple cat clubs. My love for cats fits in very well with my love                                                              of travel!!

                                                        I currently live in Spring a small town which is just outside of Houston Texas. Together                                                          with my wife Donna (also a TICA licensed Allbreed Judge) we have a small cattery at home where we share our lives with our Norwegian Forest Cats. We fell in love with this breed in 2003 and have been breeding and showing them ever since. We’ve earned numerous Best Cat & Kitten Regional Awards as well as a number of International Winners too over the years! We share our home with other breeds as well that we’ve fallen in love with over the years like our Ragdolls, Maine Coon and Kurilian Bobtail. Recently we adopted a stray mom cat and her kitten’s and they have now joined the family as well.

I am currently the Vice President of The International Feline Showcase which is a TICA Club that puts on shows every year in Corpus Christi Texas, as well as being a working member of other clubs in Texas and California. I’ve managed numerous shows over the years from our yearly one in Corpus Christi to putting on a Regional show with hundreds of entries and exhibitors.

When not showing or judging cats, Donna and I love to spend as much time as we can with our three young Granddaughters who are the joys of our lives! The beach and waterparks are two of our favorite places to go! I’m a huge NASCAR racing fan and have managed to bring Donna into the sport with me. We also enjoy visiting wineries and breweries and of course enjoy a glass or two of wine or cold beer as we visit different locations!
My love for animals has been with me forever, and I couldn’t imagine not having at least a couple of cats around the house for the rest of my life. They are old soul animals…

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Together with my husband Jim (also a TICA licensed Allbreed Judge) we have a small cattery at home where we share our lives with our Norwegian Forest Cats. We fell in love with this breed in 2003 and have been breeding and showing them ever since. 

We’ve earned numerous Best Cat & Kitten Regional Awards as well as a number of International Winners too over the years! We also share our home with other breeds that we’ve fallen in love with over the years like our Ragdolls, Maine Coon and Kurilian Bobtail. Recently we adopted a stray mom cat and her kitten’s and they have now joined the family as well.

I am currently the Treasurer of The International Feline Showcase which is a TICA Club that puts on shows every year in Corpus Christi Texas, as well as being a working member of other clubs in Texas and California. I’ve managed numerous shows over the years from our yearly one in Corpus Christi to putting on a Regional show with hundreds of entries and exhibitors.

During the week I am Licensed Customs Broker and work for a privately owned company whom I have been with for almost 20 years. I have loved animals all my life but cats have always had a special place in my heart. I appreciate all of the breeds and find judging to be rewarding not only by handling the cats but also by the people I get to meet and share my love of cats with.

Donna Armel International All Breeds TICA Judge – Texas USA

 Hello, my name is Donna Armel and I am a TICA Licensed Allbreed Cat Judge. I was     granted my license in 2012 and have been doing what I love ever since. I have traveled to many other counties all over the world from North America to Europe and Russia, to China, Japan as well as New Zealand and Australia judging for many cat clubs. I’ve had   the joy of making and meeting many new friends from all over the world through  judging cats. I live in Spring Texas which is just outside of Houston.

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Marisa Thistlewaite – International All Breeds Judge QFA Brisbane Australia

                                                        Marisa is an All Breeds International judge attaining her Group 1 licence in 2008 and                                                               then completed her Group 2 & 3 licence in 2013 with QFA. She has judged in all states                                                            in Australia, in New Zealand and China.


                                                        She entered the cat fancy in 1991 breeding Birmans under the prefix Belshogar. For                                                                many years she actively showed her Birmans and a Persian neuter with many COY and                                                          National awards.


While doing her shorthair judges course she decided to show a Burmese Neuter and was totally captured by the breed. She is now passionately breeding and showing Burmese with some very special cats.


Marisa has always been involved in different facets of the cat fancy from show manager and secretary, at a council level held positions of Vice President, Registrar, and Treasurer. She held the position of Treasurer for the Birman Club for many years and was honoured with Life Membership.


“As a judge I feel it is one of the greatest honours is to be able to handle and judge so many cats at all the shows throughout the year. So with the Covid 19 happening it has been really sad not being able to judge this year and so I am really excited to do be able to judge your Virtual Show”.

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Profile Daniel Germishuys – International All Breeds Judge – SACC South Africa

                                                         I have been involved in the Cat Fancy for more than a quarter of century in one way or                                                           another. I started off as an exhibitor and slowly but surely progressed to Runner,                                                                       Steward and Awards Table

                                                         I was asked to join a Club Committee and things start escalating from there – very                                                                 soon I found myself with a portfolio of different positions on the committee and for                                                                 years I have been a Show Manager and served in various other capacities on several                                                             committees.

Served on the Executive Committee first a Secretary, then as Show Administrator and later as Chairman of the Cat Judges Executive, Breed Council and also as Registrar.

In the interim I joined the Judges course somewhere in the 90’s and around seven plus years later qualified as an All Breeds Judge. I am a member if IJN affiliated to the South African Cat Council.
I b=have been fortunate to judge not only in my own country Germany, Austria, Italy, Australia, Malta, China, New Zealand, and the USA.

I have owned and breed Siamese and Oriental, British, Persian and Exotics. I no longer breed but still have a British, Exotic and a Devon Rex in my house along with a couple of dogs.

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